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Import declaration of non-endangered animal specimens

Business information

        Product name: Black-tailed deer head and shoulder specimen, willow thunderbird ecological specimen, grouse ecological specimen and so on

        Purpose: Domestic sales

        Features: Non-endangered species, species certificate

        Transaction method: General trade


        Mode of transport: Sea

        Agent projects: International transportation,Act as a non-endangered species certificateSpecimen import declaration

Import declaration of non-endangered animal specimens  

  I. Brief customs declaration process:

        1.First confirm the goods information with the customer, verify the Chinese name and Latin name。 

        2.Sign agency agreements with domestic customers。

        3.Submit the certificate of Origin, contract and application materials to the Endangered Species Office。

        4.It can be approved in about 2 weeks and declared to the customs after the goods arrive at the port。

        5.Animal specimens will basically be inspected by law, and the goods can be released after completion of inspection。

        6.Arrange door-to-door delivery to the designated location according to customer requirements, and end of business。


Ii. Precautions:

        1.There are many kinds of specimens, which need to be carefully checked。 Because some are required to do species certificate, some are not required to handle。

        2.Due to the need to handle the species certificate, pay attention to arrange the delivery time。

        3.The selected tax ID must be EF

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