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Foreign agents import ore specific customs clearance process, do not miss!

  1.Ore foreign customs clearance, booking, shipping arrangements
  2.Goods arrive at the domestic port terminal, change the bill
  3.Apply for inspection to commodity inspection
  4.Declare to the customs, the customs review the price
  5.The supervision methods of some imported mineral products have been adjusted to further improve the business environment and shorten the customs clearance time at ports
Foreign agents import ore specific customs clearance process, do not miss!

        Combined with the pilot reform of the supervision mode of imported iron ore, after risk assessment, it was decided to implement the supervision mode of releasing first and managing later for some imported mineral products。The first release means that the imported mineral products can be removed from the customs supervision site after they meet the requirements through on-site inspection and quarantine (including radioactive detection, quarantine of foreign inclusions, identification of number and weight, appearance inspection, sampling, etc.);Post-inspection refers to the implementation of laboratory inspection and issuance of certificates after the removal of imported mineral products。
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